Filter: Climate Change

Sustainable Schools: an IDL STEM design challenge
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Sustainable Schools: an IDL STEM design challenge

This interdisciplinary approach using STEM/ STE(A)M subjects involves the learners being ‘hooked’ by a plea from the head of their Council to design a new school sustainably. Ideas of fair trading and fair testing are explored in the resource. It comprises five sessions: auditing your…

The Mathematics of Climate Change
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The Mathematics of Climate Change

Climate Change is one of the biggest issues that we are currently facing, but did you know that there is actually a lot of maths behind it? Check out our resources to see some of the number crunching that Climate Scientists do in their fight…

Our City Our Future
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Our City Our Future

Our City Our Future emerged from ClairCity, an EU research project that sought to include citizens in decision-making processes around clean air and climate change across Europe. Over 3,500 children and young people were involved during the course of the project from 2016-2020, taking part…

Project Science ¦ Big Balloon Blow-Up
Activities for Schools no comments

Project Science ¦ Big Balloon Blow-Up

This investigation is for teachers working with pupils aged 8 – 14 years old, we provide free downloadable classroom resources (pupils workbook, teaching guide and classroom presentation) to support your learners to use the scientific method to investigate microorganisms and climate change. Easter Bush Science…