We all depend on the freshwater that cycles through the water cycle for hygiene and industry as well as for drinking and growing our food. Global warming changes the water cycle in complex ways that vary from place to place around the world.
This printable pack contains a set of ready-to-use activities suitable for use in school, with youth groups or at home:
– A scene-setting story from the point of view of a snowflake that leads into students creating their own diagrams of the water cycle and considering the potential effects of disruption to it.
– Practical activities using everyday materials to explore some of the changes in the water cycle and measuring how much water soil can hold.
– Using real climate data to explore differences and changes in the amount of water in soils around the world at different times.
This is one of a range of packs produced by the ESA Climate Office and available here
Further ESA resources for teaching about climate can be found here